Asset Management Reimagined

Modern asset management software for revenue generating assets.

Image of a studio setup with its equipment

Our Operating Principles

Freaking magic

What is the FM in everything we build, create and share? We are constantly asking ourselves “is this FM” or “where is the FM in this”. If we can't find an answer, then we go back to the drawing board.

Stewards of data

We believe that data properly and openly managed can be beneficial for all. We always think about how we interact with our partners, customers and other stakeholders data.

Keep it simple

Have we overcomplicated the interaction, process or workflow in a way that makes it detrimental to the user? We are constantly trying to pull out unnecessary elements in our business and products.

Our Universe

Big numbers that drive our business.

Spent in content production in 2021 (US-only)


Annual cost of downtime on production sets


Average amount of tech assets on set


Production technology assets available

We Are Stewards of Data

We help our customers get a handle on their data by standardizing their data across teams, enriching their data with valuable information that we pull from manufacturers, and maintaining that data over time. All protected with enterprise-grade security.


Create a data standard across your organization. Let Beam clean and standardize your inventory, and send that data to your existing systems.

Image of data standardization using beam asset management platform

Our product matching algorithm enriches your legacy asset records with data straight from the OEM. Till date, we've established a database on 500,000+ products from 8000+ OEMs.

Image of data enrichment using beam asset management platform

Once your Beam workspace is up and running, keep your data fresh. Equip your team with the tools they need to keep asset data up to date and use our automated vendor monitoring tools to pull in relevant lifecycle, firmware, and software updates as they arise.

Image of data upkeep using beam asset management platform
Image of data standardization using beam asset management platformImage of data enrichment using beam asset management platformImage of data upkeep using beam asset management platform

We Keep It Simple

Unlike traditional asset management systems, which silo service, inventory, and scheduling into their own self-contained systems, Beam brings them all under one roof. By doing this, we make data more accessible, simplify communication, and most importantly give production more time to focus on what they do best: putting on a good show!

Image of Asset Intelligence dashboard where data is maintained

Make downtime a thing of the past

Ticketing & Support Workflows

An end-to-end ticketing solution with customizable workflows and reporting help you understand your service environment.

Maintenance Tracking

Keep track of all maintenance and updates performed across your production environments. Link logs and reports directly to assets or locations.

Asset History Log

An end-to-end ticketing solution with customizable workflows and reporting help you understand your service environment.

Image of Asset Intelligence dashboard where data is owned by user

Gain complete inventory visibility

Advanced Filters & Grouping

Drill down to the assets or groups of assets you need to work on using internal data, tags, assignees, current status, asset risk score, warranty status, EoL status and more.

Compliance Tracking & Management

Ensure that proper updates are made across your critical systems and that team members have complete the job assigned.

Asset Data & Configuration Management

Keep track of all asset, workflow and location data in a single platform. Your data is linked to make it easier and quicker to access information and resolve problems.

Image of Asset Intelligence dashboard where data is operated

Supercharge productivity

Project Scheduling

Schedule projects, rentals and deployments of your assets and team, and plan for purchase needs based on availability of assets.

Movement & Location Tracking

Ensure that proper updates are made across your critical systems and that team members have complete the job assigned.

Task Management

Generate tasks for your team that are tied to specific assets, projects or locations.

We Deliver Magic

We believe that our customers deserve more than just the standard set of features. That's why with every product decision we make, we ask ourselves "“is this experience magical” or “where is the magic in this”. If we can't find an answer, then we go back to the drawing board. Through this approach, we have created several industry-first features that help our customers see unlock hidden value in their production operations.

Image of beam platform features helping in data analysis to make better decision
Site-based Analytics

Access facility and multi-facility insights on your technology estate. Uncover trends that help reduce maintenance spend.

Root Cause Analysis

Investigate the root causes of recurring issues to prevent them from happening again.

Predictive Intelligence

Dynamically calculate asset risk based on dozens of data points and use that score to prevent downtime before it happens.

Automated Lifecycle Monitoring

Stay on top of software, firmware, and lifecycle updates using our Lifecycle Data Monitor. Receive timely notifications as updates are posted.

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